Wednesday, December 13, 2006

In 100 words or less, what have you gained or learned from this course?

My progress in this class went from uncertainty to discovery. I was unconvinced of my own philosophy. I started to realize my strengths and weaknesses and even learned that I have a unique voice. I learned to let go of my often-stubborn beliefs allowing me to learn by going through the often-hellish revisions of my assignments. My voice and thinking have developed significantly. I found myself focused on injustice and fair play in the world. Taking & retaking tests made me realize the improvements I needed in analytical, cohesive thinking. Taking an online course affords a student freedom and self-motivation.

Pam Coursey 12-11-06

PS: This was exactly 100 words without the title or my name & date at the end, and of course, this PS.

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