Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Is atheism more or less rational than agnosticism? Is it more or less virtuous? Why?

For some unknown reason I have always thought that agnostics were just a little more honest than atheists. It seems that everyone believes in God when they are in really serious pain and think they could possibly die. I suppose God gives people hope.

Saying 'There is no God' is stating a fact about the world. God doesn't exist and anyone who thinks he does is wrong. Saying 'I don't believe God exists' is stating a fact that is a bit less confrontational, more open to being wrong (which I may be, as may you, as may anyone's point of view).

Atheists believe we all know there is no God, while Agnostics claim we don’t know whether God exists or He does not exist. Agnostics question everything!

We are all talented i.e. virtuous. Some of us are courageous, while other have patience. Some people can play musical instruments, while others can speak in front of groups. The questions “Is it more or less virtuous to be an atheist or an agnostic?” I just think that it is way harsher to say that God totally does not exist. I can understand someone questioning God. We all do that.
I just hate labels.

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